Diet News: Oatmeal Diet For Quick Weight Loss (how to)

Oatmeal with Fruit
The Oatmeal Diet is a wildly popular way to quickly lose weight.  This is partly due to it’s healthy, immune boosting properties (Covid and other factors have made us more health conscious than EVER).  Read on to learn more…
Oatmeal consumption for healthy diets is growing…according to Fortune Business Insights™ the oatmeal market size is to hit USD 3.53 Billion by 2027!  

Long seen as a healthy breakfast food, people are eating oatmeal more and more nowadays.  Oatmeal has many benefits such as:

  • Incredibly nutritious
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Contain a powerful soluble fiber
  • Can lower cholesterol
  • Can improve blood sugar control
  • Reduce risk of coronary artery disease
  • Very filling and can help with weight loss
Rapid weight loss is possible with oatmeal!

Did you know that there is an oatmeal diet in which you can quickly lose weight?  In fact, by eating oatmeal for 2 meals a day and a healthy dinner can  very beneficial to losing weight quickly.

I start the day with oatmeal with vanilla almond milk. If I don't, I'm dying by noon and eating everything in sight. - Kaley Cuoco
rapid weight loss
rapid weight loss
Oatmeal diet for weight loss

 There are various levels of plans and some are very restrictive such as eating only oatmeal for all three meals for one week (not recommended for a healthy diet). Then, switching to twice a day with a more nutritious dinner for the second week.   

Following, I will discuss the 7 Day Oatmeal Diet (which is like the second week of the very restrictive diet above).   However, it is  advisable for everyone to consult your doctor before changing your diet.   

Serving size:  1/2 cup oatmeal

7 Day Oatmeal Diet
  • Breakfast and lunch consists of oatmeal for the main entrée
  • Skim milk can be added
  • A small amount of fruit or yogurt can be eaten on the side with the oatmeal
  • Instant oatmeal is allowed along with cinnamon added
  • Two snacks a day – fruit in the morning and raw veggies in the afternoon
  • Dinner consists of grilled chicken, fish, or turkey burger.  Steamed veggies (no butter or sauce) and a low calorie dessert are okay
Daily Oatmeal Diet
  • Most nutritionists would say it is okay to eat oatmeal on a regular basis (once a day)
  • Add apples, berries, granola, flax, nuts, wheat bran, and/or skim milk, as desired
  •  Best natural method to curtail hunger – you should be able to go longer without food and eat less
  • Contains both soluble and insoluble fiber – the insoluble fiber prevents constipation
  • Be conscious of portion sizes and do not add sugar
healthy young couple
oatmeal field of oats
More Proof of Oatmeal’s Powerful Weight Loss Punch 

So, oatmeal does a lot for most dieters as evidenced in the 2015 study “Oatmeal consumption is associated with better diet quality and lower body mass index in adults“.  The researchers found that consumers of oatmeal had a higher Healthy Eating Index-2010 scores and lower body weights, waist circumferences, and body mass indices. To conclude, their results suggest that consuming oatmeal is consistent with better nutrient intakes and a higher diet quality.

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Can Popcorn Be A POWERFUL Snack For Weight Loss Diets?

Read on to see all the NEW information on this old-time favorite snack…

Thin woman eating popcorn
Can popcorn be used as a powerful weight loss snack?
This is a good question that deserves a careful, intelligent examination.  To accurately answer – it is necessary to consider additives, biology, eating habits, nutrition and recent scientific research.  

What is popcorn?

Popcorn is one of the  most popular snacks in America.  It is a certain type of corn that anyone  can grow in which the kernel pops open when heated.  This is due to water present at the center of the kernel, which expands causing it to burst open.

Popcorn has been around for thousands of years.  As a matter of fact, the oldest popcorn was discovered in New Mexico and carbon dated at over 5,000 years old.

diet popcorn
How nutritious is popcorn?

According to the USDA, popcorn is a healthy, nutritious snack (without unhealthy additives).  

Popcorn is fairly high in fiber with a cup of air-popped popcorn contains just over a gram of fiber.   The protein content is 1 gram of protein and it also has 6 grams of carbohydrate. It is cholesterol and fat-free.  And, a big plus is that it contains only 100 to 150 calories in a serving of 5 popped cups!  

What does research say?

So, what do scientists say about popcorn for weight loss?  Some interesting studies have weighed in on the benefits for this snack.  To learn more, read on and get the facts…

Facts about popcorn, snacking and weight loss (from scientific research) …
  1.  Snack foods now contribute approximately one fourth of U.S. adults’ total daily energy intake, similar to that of lunch and greater than the energy. contribution of breakfast.
  2. Potato chips are the most commonly consumed savory snack food in America, eaten approximately 50 times per person annually. Popcorn is the 10th ranked savory snack in the U.S., eaten approximately nine times per person annually.
  3. Research has indicated that popcorn results in greater satiety than potato chips.
  4. Population data gathered by statisticians show that individuals who consume popcorn, compared to those who do not, have significantly greater intakes of whole grain, fiber, and magnesium.
What seasonings are considered “good” for weight loss?

Generally, a lot of the seasonings on the market for popcorn are not healthy for weight loss, having too much salt and/or fat.    With that being said, here are some suggestions for healthy alternatives (from Donna P. Feldman, MS RDN):

Cinnamon, cocoa powder, dried herbs, chili powder, minced lemon or lime zest, garlic powder, black pepper, parmesan cheese, curry powder, five spice powder, cayenne, sriracha, and tomato powder.  

Some good ideas for fats (butter is traditional) is to use coconut oil, nut oils  (walnut, sesame or almond are good) or olive oil –  try blending with grated Parmesan cheese and garlic powder.  But, if counting calories, be mindful that one tablespoon of butter or other comparable fat, is over 100 calories…multiply that by 2, 3,…6, 7….it can add up!

When is the best time to eat popcorn (for weight loss)?
Anytime is a good time to snack on popcorn when trying to lose weight.  Actually, popcorn has been found to help one to sleep.  This is due to complex carbs helping to stimulate the release of serotonin, which helps you to sleep.  And, popcorn is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates.

So, enjoy some popcorn as a regular snack, if you want to lose weight.  The evidence does point to it being a filling snack and great alternative to potato chips.  It was popular in the 1980’s for weight loss, been around for a long time (5,000+ years!) and can be a delicious snack with seasonings to satisfy any palate.



Duff, Chelsea. “Is Popcorn Healthy? We Revisit the ’80s Popcorn Diet.” Woman’s World, 6 June 2019,

Feldman, Donna P. “13 Ways to Flavor Popcorn without Adding Calories.” MyNetDiary, 1 Aug. 2019, Accessed 18 Oct. 2020.

Moncel, Bethany. “Learn All About the History of Popcorn From Caves to Microwaves.” The Spruce Eats, 6 Aug. 2020, Accessed 18 Oct. 2020.

NPD Group. The NPD group national eating trends report to ConAgra Foods, Inc. 2009.

Snacks. Percentages of Selected Nutrients Contributed by Foods Eaten at Snack Occasions, by Gender and Age, What We Eat in America, NHANES 2005–2006.

Uthus, Eric. “Is Popcorn a Healthy Snack? It Can Be! : USDA ARS.” Www.Ars.Usda.Gov, 13 Aug. 2016, Accessed 18 Oct. 2020.

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Easy Strawberry Protein Shakes for Weight Loss

Try this super easy strawberry protein shake for a delicious healthy treat! Great any time for weight loss, but also for those wanting a nutritious shake that truly tastes great.

Strawberry Shake

I confess that I have a weakness for ice cream and especially like malts and shakes! In addition, it can be downright difficult to cut  calories in the summer with cookouts, social distancing pool parties and those sizzling hot days where nothing tastes as good as a frozen dessert.  But, one way I have been able to avoid completely sabotaging my diet is having frozen protein shakes.

A great way to lose weight is with this easy strawberry protein shake!  It is super simple to make with only some frozen strawberries, vanilla whey protein powder, and water.  As a matter of fact, this is a mainstay for my weight loss diet.  Hope you will try this since it IS DELICIOUS!

Easy Strawberry Protein Shake

5 – 6 frozen strawberries

1 – 2 scoops vanilla whey protein powder

12 oz. water (approximately)

Put ingredients in blender in this order:  strawberries, vanilla whey protein powder, and water.  Blend well.  Enjoy!

If you like, you can tweak this to your own preference – make it your own.  You might like it with other fruit added like red raspberries, blueberries, bananas, etc.  Also, try to add some ground flax or wheat germ for an extra boost.  

Other possible additions: add some other flavoring like almond, apple, honey, melon, mint, peach, pineapple, rhubarb and/or walnut.  

If you want to use this as a meal substitute, you could add some vitamins or use a meal protein powder instead of the whey protein powder.  


Try a healthy strawberry protein shake today

Frozen Strawberries
Looking for some cutting edge info on weight loss along with some delicious, easy weight loss recipes?…   
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Orange Protein Shake ~ healthy and delicious!

Orange Smoothie Shake
Looking for a truly delicious recipe to help with your weight loss?

Look no further than this delicious orange cream protein smoothie shake!  For those that have had a love for orange “anything” and love shakes, this is the perfect combo to satisfy all these wants.  Have as a meal replacement (using meal replacement powder) or pair with a meal.  Something this delicious may very well please all who are looking for a healthy alternative to sugar-laden malts, shakes and other desserts.

Here is the “basic recipe” for an orange protein shake with ways to tweak to become your favorite beverage (dessert?)..

1 to 2 scoops of protein powder (vanilla or orange whey, meal replacement, or other of YOUR CHOICE)

1 – 1-1/2 cups of your favorite orange juice

5 or more large ice cubes

Add in this order to a blender:  ice cubes, protein/meal replacement powder, and orange juice.  Blend well until ice is totally crushed, all is mixed completely, and shake is a creamy texture.  If necessary, add more ice or orange juice, to taste.

May add:  bananas, pineapple, strawberries or other fruit/veggies, ground flax, wheat germ, crushed oats, more vitamins, almond or coconut milk, or whatever rocks for you!  Make it your own.  But, be aware of calories if wanting to keep it low-cal.


Looking for some cutting edge info on weight loss along with some delicious, easy weight loss recipes?…   
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Little Known Fact: Peppermint can help with weight loss

It’s a little known fact that peppermint can help with weight loss. Read on about how you can use this herb to achieve your weight loss goals!

peppermint and tea
herbal tea with mint

Attention all dieters:  Peppermint can help with weight loss!  

A little known fact is that peppermint is an excellent help with losing weight.  It is especially good when consumed as a tea for a calorie free beverage.  Peppermint tea can help to relax one (it serves as a natural muscle relaxant) and aids in sleep.  This can be beneficial during times of stress and often a dieter will be experiencing added stress.  So, bring on the peppermint tea! 

Another way to lose weight using peppermint is to sniff some every two hours as it helps to suppress the appetite.  A very simple, yet effective, way to lose weight.

Here is an easy recipe on how to prepare peppermint tea:

 Fresh Peppermint Tea (using fresh mint leaves)

  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint leaves 
  • 1 cup water
  1. Toss the chopped  mint leaves in a saucepan.
  2. Add water and let it boil for 4-5 minutes.
  3. Using a strainer, pour into cup.

So, if you’ve been looking for a natural weight loss tool that is enjoyable to use – try peppermint!

Looking for some cutting edge info on weight loss along with some delicious, easy weight loss recipes?…   
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Are You A Stress Eater?

Do you go crazy for chips, chocolate, ice cream, salty foods, etc? Do you eat junk food for the comfort it gives you? If so, don’t feel bad since many people do. Being a stress eater is a common occurrence and usually a control is needed by intervention by self and/or professionals. If self control is not working, many professionals are available to help such as dietitians, medical doctors, and psychologists. So, there are ways to help the stress eater, but emotionally, the difficult habits can be hard to win against – albeit, it is possible.

Tips on overcoming stress eating

Keep a food diary – this will help you to have some control over your eating by making yourself accountable for what you eat. Also, you can analyze your triggers, i.e. what causes you to binge eat, by writing down your emotions and other reasons for overeating.

Have a plan – know when you may be experiencing the most stress and be ready for it. Perhaps, have healthy snacks ready and emotionally prepare for the stress.

Get the “bad food” out of the house. If cookies are your weakness, by all means – do not keep cookies in the house. It may help to get an occasional cookie while out (just one, as a special treat). But, don’t give in to these urges.

Give yourself a break – don’t be too strict with yourself. If you are this way, you may have a backslide and maybe not go back on your diet. Allow yourself to have some treat and if you go off your diet on the weekend, for example, just get back on it on Monday morning.

Eat your treats outside the house. This will allow you to have a treat while lessening the chance of a binge. If you do binge, realize what happened, forgive yourself and get back on your diet.

Find a “doable”,   not too strict diet that will work with you and your lifestyle. You need to realize that not everyone is alike and you need to go with your instinct for healing.  

Find other ways to alleviate your stress like joining a health club, walking, yoga, or take up a hobby.

Tackle what causes your stress head-on and resolve it (if possible). Whether it is a financial problem, too much work, not enough sleep, etc …work on a solution to eliminate or reduce the stress and implement it.

So, even if the stress will remain present in you life, there are ways to deal with emotional eating.  If you need help, there are many resources in your community  Contact a local dietitian, physician, or psychologist for professional advice.

Looking for some more cutting edge info on weight loss along with some delicious, easy weight loss recipes?…   
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