Could brown fat and coffee be the key to a slimmer body?
Well, we’ve heard this before about the benefit of caffeine and weight loss. Just look at all the diet pills that use caffeine to speed up the metabolism therefore increasing weight loss. But, now researchers have found that coffee helps to produce more brown fat cells. These are the “good fat” cells we’ve heard about that help with burning fat. However, they have not found what in coffee does this – it may not actually be the caffeine.
Professor Michael Symonds, from the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham (co-directed the study) stated that this was the first research to show how coffee has an impact on brown fat in humans.

It certainly appears from these results that this could be the “magic key” for some.
Here are some facts around these claims:
- Brown fat (or also called brown adipose tissue) main function is to generate body heat by burning calories
- White fat (the kind we don’t like) is the opposite – it is the fat that stores excess calories
- Smaller people with a lower body mass index have more brown fat
- It is believed that these findings will not only help obesity, but also diabetes due to the sugar burning ability of brown fat

For further reading, follow the link to the research: Caffeine exposure induces browning features in adipose tissue in vitro and in vivo Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 9104 (2019)
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